Purpose of the Brand Guide
The Ideastream Public Media Brand Guide is the sole reference guide on how to consistently manage the brand identity — visually, in the written word and in the spoken word. These rules and guidelines were developed to ensure the integrity of the brand across all platforms, programs and services.
Please contact the marketing department with any inquiries.
Yvette Cook Darby, Chief Development and Marketing Officer
(216) 916-6270
Matt Erman, Director of Marketing
(216) 916-6180

Who We Are
Ideastream Public Media serves the people of Northeast Ohio as a trustworthy and dynamic multimedia source for illuminating the world around us.
Ideastream Public Media is the home of five public television stations (WVIZ, WVIZ OHIO, WVIZ WORLD, WVIZ CREATE and WVIZ KIDS); WKSU, Northeast Ohio’s NPR news and public affairs radio station; and WCLV, Northeast Ohio’s classical and jazz music radio station. Ideastream Public Media produces the award-winning children’s series “NewsDepth” and manages The Ohio Channel, The Ohio Newsroom and the Ohio Public Radio and Television Statehouse News Bureau on behalf of all Ohio’s public broadcasting stations.
Ideastream Public Media is indispensable and highly valued for its unique ability to strengthen our community. For more information about Ideastream Public Media’s rich legacy of innovation and credible content, visit ideastream.org.

Mission: Ideastream Public Media is a trustworthy and dynamic multimedia source for illuminating the world around us.

Vision: Ideastream Public Media is indispensable and highly valued for its unique ability to strengthen our community.

Overview: Ideastream Public Media is Ohio’s largest independent, publicly supported media organization. We are the home of Northeast Ohio’s PBS, NPR and classical and jazz music public broadcasting stations: WVIZ, WKSU and WCLV. In addition to highly trusted PBS and NPR programming, Ideastream Public Media is your source for trustworthy local journalism, inspiring stories and quality entertainment.

Collaboration: We work well together internally and with our strategic partners to best meet the needs and interests of those we serve.
Inclusion: We respect the broad diversity of our communities and reflect it in our programs, services, board and staff.
Innovation: We incubate and support informed risk-taking and learn from experimentation.
Excellence: We adhere to the highest standards when creating and delivering quality content and services and carrying out our business practices.
Stewardship: We manage the information and resources shared by our users, staff and supporters with the utmost integrity and responsibility, and provide strong oversight.

Programs and Services: Ideastream Public Media is recognized locally and nationally as an innovative model for public media and distinguishes itself from other media organizations through a deep and abiding commitment to community partnerships, civic engagement and innovative use of media. Ideastream Public Media acquires, creates and distributes high-quality radio, television and digital content that focuses on areas that have been identified as priorities by Northeast Ohio residents: news and information, arts and entertainment, classical and jazz and education.
Ideastream Public Media also continues to be recognized as a model of excellence for the integration of program content across media platforms. Currently, WVIZ presents educational, cultural and informational programs 24 hours a day. WKSU and WCLV offer 24 hours of news, information and music programming each day. Ideastream Public Media’s radio and television content is also available anytime, anywhere across a variety of digital streaming platforms.
Moreover, Ideastream Public Media is considered the state’s largest classroom, delivering more than 65 hours of PBS KIDS programming weekly on WVIZ, as well as managing a learning consortium of nine area school districts. Each school year, Ideastream Public Media provides enhanced learning opportunities to thousands of local students. In addition, thousands of Ohio educators rely on Ideastream Public Media for professional development opportunities and training sessions on the uses of the latest classroom technologies.
On behalf of Ohio’s public broadcasting stations, Ideastream Public Media manages The Ohio Channel, The Ohio Newsroom and the Ohio Public Radio and Television Statehouse News Bureau in Columbus. These entities present statewide coverage of issues that impact Ohio and offer perspectives on subjects that affect the lives of all Ohioans.

Who We Serve: Ideastream Public Media serves Northeast Ohioans by listening, understanding and fostering dialogues across the region. As Northeast Ohio’s largest independent, publicly supported media organization, it provides free programs and services to 3.6 million people in 22 counties across radio, TV and digital platforms. Our increased focus on digital content delivery insures we are meeting the communities where they are, and when they need us. Ideastream is recognized locally and nationally as an innovative model for public media, distinguishing itself from other media entities through a deep and abiding dedication to community partnerships, civic engagement and innovative use of media.

Brand Guidelines

Ideastream Public Media Logo

Our logo represents who we are—a trusted and dynamic multimedia source convening and aligning Northeast Ohio’s diverse community to illuminate the world around us.
Our mark features four unique vantage points converging in the center to create this symbol of unity. The motion and the energy of the mark speaks to a stream of ideas and a flow of information. Our letterforms are welcoming, speak in an objective tone and maximize clarity across platforms. Their curved edges take cues from the rounded mark, emulating a strong relationship as we aim to strengthen the community.
Use Ideastream Public Media most frequently. Use it as the name of the organization and the source of all original content, programs and services.
Ideastream Public Media Logo Versions
There are five horizontal versions and five vertical versions of the Ideastream Public Media logo.
The primary versions should be used most frequently, but they can all be used interchangeably. Select which version to use based on the platform, background color or imagery.
The logotype is custom-made for the logo only. Do not recreate the logotype in the Universal Sans font. This rule applies to all of the logos provided within the Ideastream Public Media brand.
Horizontal Versions:

Vertical Versions:

Minimum Padding

Minimum padding around the logo is equal to 25% of the height of the logo. This rule applies to all of the logos provided within the Ideastream Public Media brand.
Improper Use
Do not stretch, distort, or otherwise modify the logo:

Do not add decorative effects such as emboss or drop shadow to the logo:

Do not rearrange the elements, change the scale of the elements, or flip or rotate the elements of the logo:

Do not typeset or recreate the logotype using the Universal Sans fonts:

Do not alter the colors of the logo:

To ensure readability, the logo must pass color accessibility:

These improper use rules apply to all of the logos, both horizontal and vertical, provided within the Ideastream Public Media brand.
Ideastream Public Media
On-Air Use
The Ideastream Public Media stinger, a three-beat drum kick, should be used before Ideastream Public Media in certain institutional messages.
In spoken word, Ideastream Public Media must be used in transitions between national and local programming. The shorthand version, Ideastream, is acceptable in subsequent uses.
Hosts, reporters and producers associated with Ideastream Public Media are identified as “Ideastream Public Media’s (Name).”
For programs and projects with their own titles, Ideastream Public Media and the program or project title should be mentioned in all intros, funding credits and promos: “Ideastream Public Media’s (program or project title).”
Generic for-profit and non-profit underwriter announcements are introduced with “Support for Ideastream Public Media is provided by...”
For visual copyright page and announcements, use the standard production credit/copyright page that visually has the full-screen, Ideastream Public Media logo (or dual logo if the program is a simulcast), preceded by the words “This has been a production of” and has the copyright at the bottom of the page: “© (Year) Ideastream Public Media.”
Ideastream Public Media
Incues and Sign-Ins
The standard incue is: “Ideastream Public Media’s (Name).”
The standard sign-in for a report without a reporter incue is: “Ideastream Public Media’s (Name).”
The standard handoff from PBS/NPR hosts is: “From Ideastream Public Media in Cleveland, (Name) reports.”
Ideastream Public Media
Outcues and Sign-Offs
The standard outcue is: “(Name), Ideastream Public Media.”
The sign-off for a report without a reporter outcue is: “That was (name) reporting for Ideastream Public Media.”
Traffic and weather reports outcue with “…Ideastream Public Media.”
Ideastream Public Media
Written Use
In written word, the full name, Ideastream Public Media must be written in the first use and is preferred in all subsequent uses. The shorthand version, Ideastream, is also acceptable in subsequent uses. Ideastream Public Media and Ideastream are always uppercase.

Color is an impactful tool that can influence an emotional response. Our Ideastream Public Media navy is smart and timeless, while also conveying a sense of trust and passion. Our primary palette consists of blue, red and wine. Use these brand colors to maintain consistency across brand applications.
Ideastream Public Media navy is our signature color and should be prominently placed for brand impact. Blue, red and wine are to be used to emphasize importent content.


R15 G30 B140
C100 M97 Y11 K5
Pantone 2746 C

R20 G95 B248
C100 M55 Y0 K0
Pantone 285 C

R234 G36 B60
C2 M98 Y79 K0
Pantone 1788 C

R127 G28 B80
C43 M99 Y45 K25
Pantone 216 C
RBG colors are recommended on digital platforms, while CMYK colors should be used for print jobs. Pantone colors are available for limited color print jobs.


Typography is key to the Ideastream Public Media brand. It aligns our messaging with our personality. Our Universal Sans font family is inspired by our custom logotype. It is welcoming, objective and clear. Use Universal Sans for all applications whenever possible.




Our Universal Sans font family features both bold (655), medium (549) and light versions (300). These versions should be used for primary messages, including headers and body copy. Italic version are also available, which can be used for captions, quotes and AP style rules.
Brand Guidelines

Use WVIZ, WVIZ OHIO, WVIZ WORLD, WVIZ CREATE and WVIZ KIDS only when referring specifically to the singular television station or as a directional cue to indicate where content can be found.
WVIZ Logo Versions
There are four horizontal versions and four vertical versions of the Ideastream Public Media and WVIZ logo lockup.
The primary versions should be used most frequently, but they can all be used interchangeably. Select which version to use based on the platform, background color or imagery.
The logotype is custom-made for the logo only. Do not recreate the logotype in the Universal Sans font.
Horizontal Versions:

Vertical Versions:

WVIZ On-Air Use
The Ideastream Public Media stinger, a three-beat drum kick, should be used after WVIZ and before Ideastream Public Media in certain institutional messages. The same use applies to WVIZ OHIO, WVIZ WORLD, WVIZ CREATE and WVIZ KIDS.
In spoken word, WVIZ must be spoken in all uses. The same use applies to WVIZ OHIO, WVIZ WORLD, WVIZ CREATE and WVIZ KIDS.
Formal Station ID:
When station IDs are used, FCC regulations require that we adhere to these formulas:
“You’re watching WVIZ Cleveland (STINGER) Ideastream Public Media.”
“This is WVIZ Cleveland (STINGER) Ideastream Public Media.”
Non-Formal Use:
WVIZ Written Use
In written word, WVIZ must be written in all uses. WVIZ is always all uppercase. The same use applies to WVIZ OHIO, WVIZ WORLD, WVIZ CREATE and WVIZ KIDS.
Brand Guidelines

Use WKSU only when referring specifically to the singular radio station or as a directional cue to indicate where content can be found.
WKSU Logo Versions
There are four horizontal versions and four vertical versions of the Ideastream Public Media and WKSU logo lockup.
The primary versions should be used most frequently, but they can all be used interchangeably. Select which version to use based on the platform, background color or imagery.
The logotype is custom-made for the logo only. Do not recreate the logotype in the Universal Sans font.
Horizontal Versions:

Vertical Versions:

WKSU On-Air Use
The Ideastream Public Media stinger, a three-beat drum kick, should be used after WKSU and before Ideastream Public Media in certain institutional messages.
In spoken word, WKSU must be spoken in all uses.
Formal Station ID:
When station IDs are used, FCC regulations require that we adhere to these formulas:
“You’re listening to WKSU Cleveland (STINGER) Ideastream Public Media.”
“This is WKSU Cleveland (STINGER) Ideastream Public Media.”
Non-Formal Use:
WKSU Written Use
In written word, WKSU must be written in all uses. WKSU is always all uppercase.
Brand Guidelines

Use WCLV only when referring specifically to the singular radio station or as a directional cue to indicate where content can be found.
WCLV Logo Versions
There are four horizontal versions and four vertical versions of the Ideastream Public Media and WCLV logo lockup.
The primary versions should be used most frequently, but they can all be used interchangeably. Select which version to use based on the platform, background color or imagery.
The logotype is custom-made for the logo only. Do not recreate the logotype in the Universal Sans font.
Horizontal Versions:

Vertical Versions:

WCLV On-Air Use
The Ideastream Public Media stinger, a three-beat drum kick, should be used after WCLV and before Ideastream Public Media in certain institutional messages.
In spoken word, WCLV must be spoken in all uses.
Formal Station ID:
When station IDs are used, FCC regulations require that we adhere to these formulas:
“You’re listening to WCLV Lorain Cleveland (STINGER) Ideastream Public Media.”
“This is WCLV Lorain Cleveland (STINGER) Ideastream Public Media.”
WCLV Non-Formal Use:
WCLV Written Use
In written word, WCLV must be written in all uses. WCLV is always all uppercase.
Brand Guidelines

Co-Branding with National Partners
Ideastream Public Media is recognized locally and nationally as an innovative model for public media. As a partner to NPR and PBS, Ideastream Public Media’s schedules include a variety of national programs from these trusted sources. Our organization embraces these national entities in many ways, especially through co-branding.
Co-branding enables us to leverage the different, yet complementary, attributes of each brand while providing greater value to the people we serve. The NPR and PBS brands are to be used for credibility, familiarity, legal requirements and to underscore the value of national content.
The following logo lockups are to be used when we need to recognize our partners. Use Ideastream Public Media red when paired with NPR, and Ideastream Public Media blue when paired with PBS.
NPR Horizontal Versions:

PBS Horizontal Versions:

Brand Guidelines

Idea Center
Core Services:
News and Information, Arts and Entertainment,
Classical and Jazz, Education
National Brands:
Numerical Station Frequencies:
25, 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.4, 25.5; 90.3 FM; 104.9 FM
Numerical station frequencies are not brands. They are navigational tools used to explain how to find WVIZ, WKSU or WCLV when needed.
Streaming Platforms:
WVIZ Livestream, WKSU Livestream, WCLV Livestream
Ideastream Public Media App
Ideastream Passport
Ideastream Public Media is a registered trademark of ideastream.
To request permission to use Ideastream Public Media’s logos and/or brand elements, please email Matt Erman at merman@ideastream.org.